Sunday, January 31, 2010

Lotsa Snow!

It started snowing yesterday morning, snowed about an inch an hour, and didn't stop snowing until sometime in the middle of the night. We ended up with about a foot of snow. We haven't heard any official records or anything, but our neighbors tell us they don't remember getting this much snow around here for a very long time. Miles and I went out in the yard and the neighborhood a couple of times yesterday, while it was snowing pretty hard. Quincy came out once and immediately wanted to go back inside. Miles had no desire to go back inside. Today we ventured into town and met some friends for sledding.

Miles and Quincy, the one rare time they sat in the sled together.
Then Quincy decided he was done and rolled/climbed out of the sled.
During a snowball fight, Miles fell, and couldn't get back up on his own.
His friend Sienna went over, we thought she was going to help him up, but she threw some snow on him and left him there in the snow.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Scootin' and Riding

Miles has been using his scooter a lot more lately, and getting better and better all the time. When Miles asks to ride his scooter, he asks if he can go scoot, and when he talks about riding, he says he was scooting. It actually took me a while to figure out what he was talking about. Here are a few pics and video clips of him on his scooter, with a few pics of Quincy on the tricycle.

This is how Miles typically looks while riding his scooter, one foot down pushing, and head down watching the road.

Miles being silly to Quincy.

And a short clip of him scooting. I have a longer clip, but it is in real time, and trust me when I say it is fairly boring to watch.

Monday, January 18, 2010

A day at the aquarium

Yesterday we took a day trip out the aquarium, this was the first time at an aquarium for both of the kids. And, as expected, they loved it. I didn't get a ton of pictures, since it is tough to get decent pictures in darkened room against glass, and because i just remembered (as I'm typing this post) that my camera has an aquarium setting. Oh well.

Anyhow, we saw all kinds of underwater life, with the favorites being sharks, jellyfish, dolphins, turtles, Nemo, and stingrays. And this octopus:

There were these very neat bubble tubes that the boys loved to play with every time we passed them.
Miles kept 'swimming' through the bubbles:
Some turtle watching:

Waiting for the dolphin show:
The dolphin show:

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Pirate, then and now

The playground we went to yesterday has one of those character type of things that has the face cut out for the kids to put their own faces into. While looking through the pictures, I remember I had taken a very similar picture of Miles with the very same pirate cutout a few years ago. So I dug through (yes, digging being a bit of an outdated term since all of my pictures are on the computer) and found the older pirate picture.
Here is the older one, Miles was 19 months old here, and I do believe that Mike was holding him up from behind.
And yesterday's picture, he was just the right height. Both times he loved being a pirate, although he got it a bit more this time, a made sure the patch was covering an eye.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Heat Wave

It has been quite cold here the last couple of weeks, at it seems it has been everywhere else. Unfortunately, that means much less time spent outside. The past few days the weather has been slowly warming up. Yesterday and have been beautiful! Up into the 40s! Finally we have been able to get outside for some playtime. Here are some pics from our visit to a local playground this morning.
The boys riding the see saw together. Although Miles never played on it long enough as far Quincy was concerned. Quincy loved the seesaw.
Since Miles only lasted about 2 minutes each time he rode the seesaw, I was often on the other seat across from Quincy. This time I had a great view of both kids.
These round peg-like things are placed all around the playground in ways for kids to walk on them from one part of the playground equipment to another part. Miles was a bit skiddish and would only walk on them if I was holding his hand. At one point I was turned around with Quincy and turned back to find him trying to do it himself, in his own way.
And Quincy, he wanted to do them, but his little legs just barely reached from one to another.
Just being silly.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Trip to NH

A few days after Christmas we headed to my parents' house in New Hampshire. We were fortunate enough to be able to stay almost a whole week, and got lots of great visiting time in with my parents, my brother, sister-in-law, niece and nephew, as well as several aunts, an uncle, some cousins, and my best friend from high school. There was plenty of snow all week, so there was some sledding and lots of just playing in the backyard in the snow. Quincy loved the sledding at the bigger hills of the golf course. Miles loved being pulled around the back yard.

I didn't manage to take very many pictures, but I did have fun playing and visiting with everyone. Here are a couple pictures of the kids playing with their cousins.