Saturday, December 19, 2009


We woke up to snow on the ground this morning. Probably about an inch or so of snow, so pretty decent amount for around here. Unfortunately, the snow turned to rain around 6am, so the snow is melting, and is currently slushy mess. But Miles didn't care, he has been asking for snow for a month now and was very excited to get out to play in the snow. Of course, Quincy doesn't really know what snow is yet, as he was only about 5-6 months old last time he saw snow. So I dug out the snowpants, jackets and boots, got them bundled up and out we went, to play in the wet snow.

Quincy didn't know what to make of it at first.
He was a bit upset that something was in his car (snow).
Miles was tasting snow from all over the yard. Then Quincy had to try some.
It's pretty hard work shoveling out a back yard.
Quincy wanted to go down his slide.
With a bit of encouragement from Miles. Oops, he slipped, ended up going down face first, luckily there was a bunch of snow to slow him down.
Overall, I think Quincy liked the snow.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yeah - snow before Christmas - looks like lots of fun, can't wait until you get sledding up here
Love Gramma M