Thursday, August 6, 2009


I do believe Quincy said his first word last night, well his first word other than momma and dadda. At the end of dinner he was dropping pieces of food off his tray and each time he dropped a piece of food he said "buh by." When I asked if he was saying bye-bye to the food he smiled real big and waved. Later on in the evening, him and I were at a store when he suddenly started saying "buh by" again. I asked if he wanted to leave the store and if he was saying bye-bye to the store, he again smiled and waved, this time saying "buh by" again.

So Miles first word was "uh-oh," and Quincy's first word seems to be bye-bye.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey thats great- and the vocabulary will just keep growing
see you all soon
Love Gram M