Thursday, August 13, 2009


Quincy has been practicing walking for a few weeks now. He is now walking more than he is crawling. He is doing very good trying to walk over and around toys, and he is trying to walk faster all the time. He still has quite a few falls, and still resorts to crawling on occassion. I have no doubt he will be running very soon. Here is a little clip I got of him walking yesterday. He got the singing and dancing duck from his Aunt Lisa, and that gets him walking every time it is turned on, he loves that duck. I got the video clip on the camera, hence Miles thinking that I was going to take a picture:


Anonymous said...

Wow - its incredible how fast he is moving - even just seeing him this weekend, it seems like he picks up speed and stability daily
Love the Chicken Dance Duck
Love Gramma M

Anonymous said...

i miss miles & quincy so much already and its not even been i week since i was there. quincy is definately getting more sure of himself. i give him less that two weeks and he will be giving you a run for your money.

lots of love, hugs and kisses....
grammy d.