Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Peek-a-boo Rocky

Miles and Rocky were in playing on the guest bed yesterday. Normally Rocky lets the kids pet him and play near him, but generally doesn't play with them. Miles dragged one of the living room blankets into the guest room and tried to drape it over himself and Rocky. Surprisingly, Rocky not only let him, but seemed to be enjoying himself, if his constantly wagging tail was any indication.

Miles is hiding:

Rocky's looking for him (okay, he knows right where he is, but he's playing along):

There's Miles!
Miles putting the blanket on Rocky:

Rocky hiding:

Monday, February 22, 2010

Fireman Quincy

Quincy has been having fun lately dressing up like a fireman. He puts on the firefighter hat and Miles's new fireman rainboots. Well, sometimes he puts on both boots, usually he only puts on one boot.

Sometimes he skips the fireman theme and just goes for boots. He has gotten himself the nickname 'one boot Quincy'. Here he did have two boots on, just not the same two. And if you look on the floor by his feet, you will see another boot from a different pair of boots.

Saturday, February 20, 2010


After a couple of weeks of being cooped up inside due to all of the snow, Miles finally went back to school this past thursday. Sorry I've haven't been so good about posting here, but really, we just did a whole lot of the same stuff over and over again and my head just wasn't in the mode for being any more creative.

This morning Miles started soccer. It is an indoor pee-wee league at our local YMCA. He asked to play a while ago, and has been very excited ever since we signed up. Yesterday we went to the sporting goods store and got him some extra small shin guards, and this morning he happily put them on and ran out to the van. As soon as we walked up to the gym doors his excitment turned into a full blown meltdown. I had to carry him into the gym, and he cried for the first 15-20 minutes of soccer, saying that he didn't want to be there and didn't want to play soccer.
Slowly he started to watch what was going on and watch the other kids. We just sat and watched on the sideline for awhile.
Then he began to ask questions, and laugh and giggle when other kids did something funny. Next he asked if he could get a ball for him and I to play with.
After he and I kicked it around for a bit, he finally asked if he could take a turn playing with the other kids. From then on he did great. He listened to the coaches and me, he waited his turn in line, he really tried to do what the coaches were asking him to do. And he smiled and laughed.
He made friends:

He ran through the cones:

He often forgot the no hands rule, but then, so did most of the kids:

Listening to a coach:
And he kicks:

And a short clip of him running the cones and kicking to the net. I stopped the video a moment too soon, it was the first goal he made, and he was so excited and proud of himself, you can see him just starting to raise his arms in excitment at the end of the clip.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

And more snow pics

Miles, Rocky and I went out playing in the snow for awhile. For the most part, Miles could walk on the snow,

but he did sink in every few feet.
Rocky had to jump to get through the snow, but luckily, the snow has hardened a bit since yesterday, when he really had to jump to get anywhere.
Miles in his playhouse
Miles walking on the snow around his playhouse
And he sunk

He wanted to swing, but the swing was buried in snow, although he did put in a good effort to dig it out. Not sure how well the swinging would have gone through snow, but it might have been interesting to try.

More Snow

I've just seen in the news that we just survived 'snowmageddon'. And I don't think they are far off. Having grown up in New England, storms like this are not new to me, but even in New Hampshire, these type of storms were rare, around here, this is, before now, unheard of. Miles and I will try to go out later to try to play in the snow, but I do believe that will consist of me pulling him around on a sled, as the snow will most likely come up past his hips. Quincy, well, we may try to bring him out for a pic or two, 'cause I think the snow is as high or higher than him.

Here am I doing a bit of shoveling around 2pm yesterday, this was our second go at shoveling, Mike had been out a few hours earlier.

Here is a view out our back door, and yep, that's about all you could see, it was almost white-out type conditions during the storm.

Miles, being silly, he was wired all day yesterday watching the snow come down.
Mike out doing some more shoveling, the pic is a bit blurry (okay, a lot blurry) but you can still kind of see the snow up over Mike's knees.
And here is Mike in the path I had just shoveled 2 hours before, getting ready to shovel it again.

This is our front door, this is as far as we could get it open, the snow got a bit deeper further out on the front step.

Our mailbox and the front of our house this morning.