Sunday, February 7, 2010

More Snow

I've just seen in the news that we just survived 'snowmageddon'. And I don't think they are far off. Having grown up in New England, storms like this are not new to me, but even in New Hampshire, these type of storms were rare, around here, this is, before now, unheard of. Miles and I will try to go out later to try to play in the snow, but I do believe that will consist of me pulling him around on a sled, as the snow will most likely come up past his hips. Quincy, well, we may try to bring him out for a pic or two, 'cause I think the snow is as high or higher than him.

Here am I doing a bit of shoveling around 2pm yesterday, this was our second go at shoveling, Mike had been out a few hours earlier.

Here is a view out our back door, and yep, that's about all you could see, it was almost white-out type conditions during the storm.

Miles, being silly, he was wired all day yesterday watching the snow come down.
Mike out doing some more shoveling, the pic is a bit blurry (okay, a lot blurry) but you can still kind of see the snow up over Mike's knees.
And here is Mike in the path I had just shoveled 2 hours before, getting ready to shovel it again.

This is our front door, this is as far as we could get it open, the snow got a bit deeper further out on the front step.

Our mailbox and the front of our house this morning.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
