Sunday, January 31, 2010

Lotsa Snow!

It started snowing yesterday morning, snowed about an inch an hour, and didn't stop snowing until sometime in the middle of the night. We ended up with about a foot of snow. We haven't heard any official records or anything, but our neighbors tell us they don't remember getting this much snow around here for a very long time. Miles and I went out in the yard and the neighborhood a couple of times yesterday, while it was snowing pretty hard. Quincy came out once and immediately wanted to go back inside. Miles had no desire to go back inside. Today we ventured into town and met some friends for sledding.

Miles and Quincy, the one rare time they sat in the sled together.
Then Quincy decided he was done and rolled/climbed out of the sled.
During a snowball fight, Miles fell, and couldn't get back up on his own.
His friend Sienna went over, we thought she was going to help him up, but she threw some snow on him and left him there in the snow.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

HI everyone- wow you all have had a bigger snowstorm than us, don't beleive we have had a full foot this year yet- of course we started out skiing at -2 degrees at the base of Gunstock and Pat and I never did find out the temperature at the top, but we were dresed well and probably felt like Miles - all bundled up
Thanks for the great pictures.
Love Gramma M