Wednesday, April 28, 2010

A day at the zoo with family

My brother and his family came down to a nearby city to do some sightseeing this week. Yesterday the kids and I drove out to the city and met them at the zoo. The kids were excited to go to the big zoo, and ecstatic to see their cousins and aunt and uncle.

As we walked through the zoo to meet my brother, some orangutans were going along the same route as us, but up above on cables:

Miles and Maddie barely ate lunch they were so happy to see each other:

The three older cousins, Tyler, Miles and Maddie:
Meanwhile Quincy was getting lots of cuddle time with his aunt:

Miles and Maddie held hands almost the whole time at the zoo:

Maddie was always looking out for Quincy, and helping him to do things:

The end of the day, the kids were tired, but the teenager had enough energy to push a stroller full of little ones:

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