Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Last swim class

This morning Miles had his last swim class. He had two classes a week for the last four weeks and he loved it. He got much more comfortable swimming and being in the water, and he is now a better swimmer. Here are some pictures and videos from his last two classes.

Here he is on Monday, he is so proud that he is swimming all by himself:

Just for comparison, here are a couple of pictures of him swimming in his first class, a month ago:

This picture is from today, he has a floatie on his back that you can't see in this picture, but that is it for help:

The last thing they do in class is jump from the edge to the teacher, then swim to the stairs. In the beginning Miles feet barely got any air between the edge and the water. Look at him now:

And now for some videos, these were all taken at Monday's class. In the first one, he had to throw the rubber ducky out in the water, then swim to it, pick it up, throw it, swim to it, and so on and so forth.

In this video clip, Miles is swimming with the kickboard, but look, he is doing it all by himself, the teacher isn't holding him at all:

And this final video clip is of Miles jumping off the edge to the teacher, then swimming back to the stairs. The teacher is holding him a little, but he has no floaties at all and is swimming great - such a huge improvement from the first couple of classes!

Miles loved swim class! We were so happy that he loved going every time and always tried so hard to do everything that the teacher asked. He has already asked when his next swim lessons will be.


Anonymous said...

Miles, Grammy is so proud of you! You did great! I love you to the moon and back......

Grammy D.

p.s. Kris, now I won't have to hear from Grandpa that you haven't put up any new

Anonymous said...

Miles- Gramma M says - great swimming as well- I am so proud of you, will look at the videos when I am at home
I am already looking forward to swimming out to the raft next summer
Love Gramma M

nene said...

this is very cool !!!