Tuesday, February 15, 2011

A taste of spring

Yesterday the weather was beautiful! In the 60s, sunny and dry. And we are supposed to have weather like this off and on all week, yay! I just know I'm going to get spoiled and be rather unhappy when colder weather returns. So yesterday the kids and I took advantage of the warm day and went to the playground and zoo. We were there for several hours, and they still cried when it was time to leave.

A little rock climbing:
Quincy climbing the rope ladder:

Watching the otters play in the zoo:

Back to the playground:

A couple of worn out boys taking a rest in the middle of the playground:

Ahh, I love warm weather!


Anonymous said...

lucky you with ground to see - guess we will have pictures like that in a few months - Love Gramma Morris

Anonymous said...

Yay pictures!!
Looks like you both are having fun!

Aunt Kerry

Anonymous said...

Yeah!!!! Pictures.....thanks Kris, I was really going through withdrawl. Looks like you all had lots of fun over the past few days. Miles & Qioncy will have so many great memories!

hugs, kisses and lots of love, Grammy D.