Thursday, October 21, 2010

Super Quincy vs. Evil Skeleton

In this episode of Devine super heroes, our hero is none other than Super Quincy, a toddler that can fight off the bad guys, even in his diaper. And his nemesis, the oft fought with big brother that today is playing the role of Evil Skeleton.

Our fight starts off with Evil Skeleton trying to scare Super Quincy by pretending to have a real skull for a face, as you can see, Super Quincy is bored with the obvious ruse.

Then Evil Skeleton uses his strong muscles to lift a giant pumpkin up, threatening to crush an ambulance.

Super Quincy is off to save the day:

Super Quincy is trying to turn the skull face trick around on Evil Skeleton, but did he succeed in scaring him?

At last Super Quincy is successful, grinning while Evil Skeleton plots his revenge...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OOH super heros vs the evil forces- lots and lots of fun - love the costumes
Love Gramma M