Quincy checking out Miles's pumpkin:
Miles's pumpkin:
Quincy's pumpkin:
And then finally it was time to go trick-or-treating. Here are the boys in their Halloween costumes, getting ready to go out in our neighborhood. Quincy as the cuddly bear, and Miles, as a dragon. Yes, a dragon. After many times changing his mind, Miles decided to wear his dragon costume, some of you may remember this is the same costume he wore 3 years ago. He loves it and he had fun.
Here they are heading out:
Having fun with their halloween lanterns in the dark:
Here is Miles, sitting with their pumpkins, and like last year, he was excited to hand out candy:
And their take:
These pictures were taken this morning, so after some candy has been eaten and filtered out. Both bags were full, Quincy's bag was overflowing, literally, candy was falling out as we were walking to the last few houses. Some of the more unusual items this year: a juice pouch, full size candy bars, and playdough. The best part, Miles loves all the scary decorations and we spent quite a bit of time at a few of the more elaborately decorated houses. When asked which he liked better, seeing the decorations or getting the candy, there was no hesitation - seeing the decorations was best!
Thanks for the Halloween update - loved your costumes boys, they were great, and wow - all that yummy candy - good thing that candy monster Grandma is up north
Love Gramma M
Mike- loved those pumpkins - Miles must have really taken some time- that was great
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