Thursday, July 2, 2009


Yesterday we went to the Museum of Natural History. It was a fantastic day. It was the first time Miles has been to a museum, so we weren't sure how he would do, or how it would go with a 3 year old in a museum. Well, he loved it. I have never seen him so excited for anything. We started telling him about it a week ago. Throughout the week we read him his Curious George book that has George going to a museum, we showed him the website of the museum, etc. Just about everyday, a few times a day he asked if it was time to go to the museum.

Well yesterday morning came and he was excited, but not excited enough to eat breakfast. He always eats breakfast and loves it, not yesterday, yesterday morning he decided to have a meltdown over breakfast. So that, along with a few other minor things, caused us to get a bit later start than planned. But we got out and got to the train station without further problems. As expected, Miles was super excited to see the trains and take a train. He had his nose pressed to the window nearly the entire ride! Quincy also seemed to like seeing the trains.

We ate a little picnic lunch on the steps of the museum. Then my cousin, Frank, joined us for a little bit. (My cousins Frank and Rachel both live right in the city.) Rachel joined us a little later, she found us inside the museum. Thank you guys for coming to see us and see the museum with us, it was great to see you again! Miles was very happy to share the museum with Frank and Rachel, and kept pulling them from exhibit to exhibit to see things.

I don't think I have ever heard Miles say "Wow!" so many times! For the first hour it seems just about every large animal he saw caused him to say "Wow!" During that first hour or so he also was randomly dancing around, in what seemed like a happy dance. He was just so excited and happy he seemed to be bursting at the seams. It was so wonderful to see. We saw dinosaurs, mammoths, african animals, ocean animals, bugs, gems, walked through caves and tunnels, and so much more. Miles and Mike saw an Imax movie on dinosaurs. Just a full day. This museum is set up so well for kids.

In this little video clip Miles is showing us how a T-rex walks. He kept doing this walk over and over while we were in the dinosaur room. He also was roaring like a T-rex while he did the walk, unfortunately he didn't roar when I was getting this clip. (He calls a T-rex a sharp-tooth, from the movie The Land Before Time.)

At the end of the day Miles picked out this from the museum shop, and has played with it non-stop since then. (except meals and bedtime, which he tried.) When we asked him what his favorite part of the day was he said: "Buying this dinosaur."
He was laying down on the train seats on the ride back, popping up to see things occasionally. He was alseep before we drove out of the parking garage. Quincy was not far behind him.


Anonymous said...

Wow is all Grammy M can say - what i fun day for all it looks like, did Miles like the movie he and Mike went to see?
Love Gram M

KrisD said...

Mike said he loved it while they were watching it. He has re-created several scenes from the movie at home, but he won't really talk about the movie to me.

Anonymous said...

its so great that you guys live so close to things like the museum, its such a grreat experience for the boys. not to say that you don't enjoy it too. looks like it made a hit with miles. so you think he will do a t-rex roar for me the next time we are on the phone...

love, grammy d.

Anonymous said...

I am glad you all had a wonderful time!!