Saturday, August 8, 2009

Happy 1st Birthday Quincy!!!!

Wow, one year old today. I can't believe how fast this year has flown by and how much Quincy has grown. One year ago today just a tiny little bundle in my arms. Now he is toddling around, walking more often than crawling. Eating like a horse and growing like a weed. Quincy is such a happy, joyful baby. Smiling and laughing all the time. Except when Miles tries to take a toy away, but he is learning to hold his own and has won a few of those toy tug-of-wars. My word does Quincy love and look up to his big brother, just wants to do everything that Miles does, imitates all the sounds Miles makes, and follows him everywhere, even into time-out.

I looked at Quincy the other day and realized he doesn't look like a baby anymore, he looks like a little boy. A very adorable little boy. Luckily, he is my adorable little boy.
Happy Birthday my sweet baby boy!

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