Thursday, August 27, 2009

Miles' bad dream

So this morning over breakfast Miles told me all about a bad dream he had last night. Normally if he tells us about dreams it is the same thing, such as "I dreamed about having a snack downstairs." And he would tell us about the snack dream every time he woke up. Well, this morning I think he told me about an actual dream he had. Although I'm not entirely sure if all of it was a dream or if he started adding to it as he was telling me.

His dream:

A big scary brown and green strong giant was trying to get me. It was a big and green and strong giant, but not the Hulk. This was a mean giant. The giant came from the clouds. I was really scared of the giant, and the giant was trying to get me and take me away from you guys. You guys protected me. (awww) I thought he got trapped in Daddy's room. Then Daddy fought the giant - he fought him because he is a man. (a bit sexist here?!!) And Daddy can fight a giant because he is big and strong, like the Hulk. (awww) They fought in Daddy's room with hard swords (like the ones he wants, as opposed to the foam swords he is allowed to have). Daddy knocked the giant down. The giant fell down on his head. He probably got a booboo on the back of his head.


Anonymous said...

Miles - I sure am glad Daddy got that bad giant - Love Gramma M

julie said...


BTW - guess who's preg-o? (no, it's not me...)

Kris said...

Julie - who?!?! Sorry it's not you :(

julie said...

Hehehe...grapevine works fast, Ed was just over to find out!!

Kris said...

Julie!!! You still didn't tell me who! If the kids weren't sick, I'd be dragging them in tomorrow morning. Unless you want me to bring two colds in to spread around the office.

julie said...

Oh no, we don't need any colds!! One kelly has a cold already...and the other needs her strength and energy for the kid that's already popping her belly out!!

KrisD said...

So it is Kelly! That was my guess since she just got married. Yeah! Congrats to Kelly!!