Saturday, August 15, 2009

Misc Photos

Here are a few random pics from this week.

Miles hiding in his brick block castle:

Quincy trying to carry around my little handbag, he was going through the wrong door if he was trying to head out shopping. He even tried to walk up the stair the correct way, he didn't want to put that bag down so he could crawl up the stair. Eventually he did put the bag down and crawl, but he did remember to pick up the bag once he got up the stair:
We had some good rains this week, so Miles was super excited to go outside and use his new umbrella in the rain. But, once he got out there, he thought the umbrella wasn't doing a good job fighting off the rain since the rain was still hitting the umbrella, so back into the porch he came to use his umbrella in the rain, on the screen porch...

Fun times in the band room last night, Miles and Quincy kept trying to play in the instrument storage closet, the one with all the percussion instruments.

Then Miles found a flag sitting out. He was doing pretty well, he's going to be a well rounded marching band member once he is in high school.

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