Tuesday, October 27, 2009

First day of pre-school

I just got back from dropping Miles off for his first day of pre-school. sniff, sniff. It is just two hours a day, three days a week. I thought I would be fine, since this is just pre-school and not regular school or all day or anything like that, but I have to admit, I teared up after I walked out the door of the school. He barely turned his head to say goodbye to me, he was already involved in something with his friend. My little guy is growing up so quick. Before I know it he will be graduating.

He is still saying he doesn't want to learn at pre-school. This morning he said that he will want to learn at school when he is Tyler's age. Tyler is his 12 year old cousin. I do hope that Miles decides to start learning in school before he is 12!

Hopefully today goes well, we will see in a couple of hours.


Anonymous said...

How did he like it?????? Is he going every day?

He is getting big :)


Anonymous said...

aha- I was just thinking the same - Miles will be all grown up efore our eyes- and hopefully, the learning will just seep in for now
Remeber he is like a little sponge and learning comes from all activities and exposure
Love Mom M

KrisD said...

He loved pre-school! He doesn't like 'learning time' in the 'circle', but he did sit in the circle today, so he is doing great.