Friday, October 23, 2009

Pumpkin Patch

The kids and I went to a local farm yesterday with some of the other Moms and kids from our Mom's group. We took a hayride, got to pick pumpkins out of the pumpkin patch, fed goats, went through a cornfield maze, and the kids went through a hay maze. It was a beautiful sunny day and a really fun morning at the farm.

The kids and I on the hayride - I think this is the first picture of me with the kids, thanks Lori!

Picking out pumkins, what I didn't get a picture of is Quincy throwing the pumpkin, he seems to be under the impression that pumpkins are a type of ball, we now have to keep them all out of his reach at home.

Here we are in the corn maze. This is one of the only pictures I got in here, as my battery died after this picture and I forgot to bring along my spare battery. But I'm not sure any other picture would have been much different, Miles pretty much ran through the entire maze. Towards the end the running slowed down quite a bit, but he was still in front of me. Quincy kept trying to go in between the corn stalks, so he was in need of constant re-directing.
Here are the boys feeding the goats. Miles does great with this by now, Quincy liked it, but was a bit apprehensive.

Here is Quincy again with the pumpkin face.

Here is Miles going through the hay maze, he had this focused concentrated look on his face the whole time, and every time he went through the maze. He did the maze very well, and he was constantly looking at the maze around him to make sure he was going the right way.

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