Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Quincy's hats

In the past month or so, Quincy has decided that he likes to put just about anything on his head that he thinks he might be able get onto his head. Except of course any hat that I put on his head to protect from sun or cold, those hats he tries to take off immediately. But I digress. I have put a few pictures up of him wearing his lovely pink fluffy hat. Here are a few other 'hat' pictures.

Trying to fit a random blue tin on his head:
The cowboy hat, which of course is supposed to be worn as a hat so that is not so cute or funny by itself, but Quincy insists on wearing it sideways, showing off his uber cute cowboy fashion sense.
And the drunk cowboy look, drool and all:


Shayna said...

Too cute...he's getting so big!

KrisD said...

I know he is getting so big so quick!

Anonymous said...

He is soo cute - I never know which picturs I like the best - just keep posting, Love Gramma M