Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas to all our family and friends. I hope that you are all having a wonderful, blessed day with the people you love. Mike and I were actually the first ones up this morning, I think we were just as excited as the kids. Miles was just in awe that Santa actually came to his house, and brought him what he asked for, a fire station with a fire truck and fire fighters. Quincy also really liked Miles's new fire truck. Quincy took a few minutes to finish waking up and realize that there were lots of toys in front of him. Then he still wanted Miles's fire truck. Eventually he saw Elmo and then his own toolbench. Of course, the chocolates were gotten into very early. In fact, I asked Miles for a morning/Christmas hug and kiss and was told "Okay, but not until I am done eating the chocolate." Priorities. The post chocolate face: Miles got a hulk mask, that he prefers to see other people wearing. Quincy got a steering wheel that he was so excited to play with he didn't want to finish unwrapping. And Rocky wasn't forgotten either, now if Quincy will just let him keep and eat his treat.

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