Well, last night (early this morning really) Mike and I spent another 3 hours in the Labor & Delivery department of the local hospital. I had gone out to a fun Mom's Night Out at my friend's house, spent much of the evening floating in her pool and chit chatting with friends. I got home a bit after 12 - which is the latest I have been out socially in many years! Shortly after Mike and I went to bed I started feeling stomach pains, then a bit later realized that the pains were coming and going. I could not fall asleep, so I got up to try to walk it off, then I realized that these weren't stomach pains, but rather, they were contractions. About an hour and a half later they were getting more intense, were only a couple of minutes apart, and I could not talk or walk through them. So we called a friend to come watch Miles and we were off to the hospital.
Well, they get me all hooked up and even I can tell that the intensity and frequency of these contractions have already lessened. But they have to finish checking certain things. While we were there another woman came in, we could hear that she thought her water had broken. We later found out that she was 9 cm dialated when she came in. We know she did not get an epidural - we heard. Very shortly after she arrived she had a 10 lbs 11 oz baby!
But back to us. The doctor wanted to see me, so we had to wait for him to finish delivering and (I assume) repairing any damage for this other woman. The nice doc came in to see us and agreed with the nurse that my belly did look a bit oddly shaped. (This is nothing new to me, but only shows up during contractions, so the doctors have not seen it before.) He wheels in an ultrasound machine and we get to see our little guy again. But he is definitely not in the right position. His head is up around my left ribs. He is, according to the doctor, in a transverse lie. And I am told any time I think I am in labor to get to the hospital asap because there is no way that this child is coming out without a c-section (unless he moves before then).
Also the doctor and nurse tell us that I am not ready to deliver now, but they don't know if I am in the beginning stages of labor and that I might be back in a few hours, or it might be false and I could be back in several weeks. Well, I can tell you that it was false, as I have felt no contractions today. But, at least we got pictures of this guy, and we know where he is in there.
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So...Miles wanted to stay all snuggly and this one wants OUT! I hope he turns soon, because somehow, I don't think you'll have another 2-week-old newborn!
Yes, this little one is already SO different than Miles!
Whoa, he's giving you anxious moments already huh ?
Victoria was a transverse too, I hope your little guy decides to move into the correct position and stay there
Kris, I don't know how vocal you want to be, but if you want to at least try to avoid a c/s, ask them about a "version" to get the baby to change position....there are also some positions you can try at home to get him to move head down. PM/email me if you're interested in more info about it. My point, don't settle for a c/s if you don't want to...it seems like the docs here are quick to suggest a c/s just for convenience sake. Good luck & can't wait to meet him!
Melissa sent me to your blog :) If this helps you feel any better, your baby could turn as late as when you are in active labor. If you're comfortable with the idea of a trial of labor and wish to avoid cesarean, go for it. One exercise I was introduced to in this kind of situation was basically a lunge. Find a stool to prop your leg up on, or sit in a lunge style position on a birth or medicine ball. Rock your body back and forth. Then go ahead and do it with the opposite leg extended in the lunge position. Do this often, every day. This rocking has been said to increase the likelihood of the baby to shift back in position. First babies tend to get in position weeks ahead of time. All the babies after them like to surprise you :) External version is known to help too and you should talk to your doctor about it. If you're feeling adventurous, you can even research giving birth with a breach baby. Butt first has been done before (although not very often at all anymore), so it is possible. Cesarean could possibly become your best option when it comes to "D" day, so definitely try to keep an open mind. Try every wives' tale under the sun first, though! There's a reason they become wives tales! Sometimes they work :)
I don't know if Melissa sent you this way or not, but I have a blog on childbirth at http://childbirthdelmarva.blogspot.com. Check it out, if you're feeling it ;) And good luck on this baby!
I'm thinking of you! D was breech until before he was born. Just never know. Hang in there!
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